Finding art.

Corina ‘found’ art in 2013 after a very dark time in her life, struggling with both physical disability, debilitating depression and anxiety disorder, which resulted in requiring 11 Electric Shock treatments (ECT) and an extended stay in an acute mental health unit.

After treatments, Corina was still very shattered and fragile. She was introduced to a Mental Health Art Group, where she found that she was talented in art and threw herself into learning multiple techniques and mediums.

Corina found she could lose herself in her art. It was a way ‘get out of her own head’, which greatly helped in her mental health recovery.


Discovering purpose.

Shortly after finding the significant value of art as a therapy for mental wellbeing, the mental health art group that Corina had joined was closed down due to lack of funding.

Not willing to let such a valuable treatment dissolve, the group decided to become their own entity and founded a volunteer run, self-funded Not for Profit Art organisation for people in recovery from Mental Illness.

They named the group the DEMENTED ARTISTS GROUP Inc. (DAGS) which Corina has been the president of since its inception.